7 years ago
Home care becomes essential when the patient is recovering from a major surgery at home. Often, its the family member (s) who provide this home care, which includes medical care as well as helping the patient with his/her daily routines such as bathing and attending natures calls. However, in a situation when the family members have offices to go, or other professional commitments and thus cant ensure round-the-clock care, its the home nurse services that are generally recommended.
For home nurse services, the patient or his/her family would contact a nursing agency and opt for a desired set of services, which may range from medical care to personal care. The more services one opts for, the costlier the package becomes. In India, the concept of home care has grown fast as families are going nuclear and all members work.
The major mistake one makes while opting for home nurse services is not communicating the thing with the person wholl ultimately receive the care. It is highly important that the patient is made well-aware of the services that are being considered for his/her recovery. In some cases, patients would not like the idea of taking help from an unknown person; this is particularly true in case of elderly patients. He/she needs to be heard properly without forcing him/her for the care. The family should try to sort out the issues that the patient may have with home nurse services. In most cases, the patient would agree in the end, if he/she feels heard and appreciated.
Home care services have proved to be a boon for the carers worldwide. Carers who provide care to their loved-one without asking for outside support often end-up messing up their lives. This has been the case with thousands of carers in almost all countries. And there are tips that can be used by the carers to ensure that they themselves do not end-up damaging their health, and falling apart from the rest of the world. A little help goes a long way for the carer and the patient he/she is tending to. And in this case, this little help may come from a nursing agency.
Leading hospitals can be contacted for home care services; many of them offer this sort of services to their patients and even to those who got themselves treated from another hospital. Alternatively, you can search through google; search for the nursing agencies in your city and you may come across numerous agencies in and around your region.
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7 years ago
An All About You Home Healthcare Representative can take those seniors willing to explore to local Senior community centers to fellowship with one another. The Aging Commission of the Mid-South contracts with senior centers in our four counties service area to provide a wide range of supportive services. Most centers are focal points in the community for those over the age of 60. Some of the following locations within All About You Home Health Care jurisdiction include but are not limited to.![]()
The primary services offered in most centers include:
Education and Recreational Activities
General Information and Assistance
Access to Community and Governmental Agency Representatives
Heal Promotion / Disease Prevention Services
Transportation / Outreach
Congregate Meals
All About You Home Healthcare clients in Fayette County contact:
Somerville Senior Center
Address: 17290 Highway 64, Somerville, TN 38068
Contact Information: 901-465-3554 (office); 901-466-1963 (fax)
Website: sites.google.com/view/fccoatnseniorenrichmentcenter/home
All About You Home Healthcare clients in Lauderdale County contact:
Lauderdale County Senior Center
Address: 605 Airport Street, Hall, TN 38040
Contact Information: 731-836-5444 (office); 731-836-1055 (fax)
Website: www.town.halls.tn.us/Seniors.html
All About You Home Healthcare clients in Tipton County contact:
Tipton County Senior Center
Address: 401 S. College Street, Covington, TN 38019
Contact Information: 901-476-3333 (office); 901-476-3398 (fax)
Website: http://tiptonaging.org
In Memphis and Shelby County contact:
There are several Senior Centers in the Mid-South which provide service to individuals who are 55 years of age, and older. These Senior Centers offer leisure, wellness, and educational opportunities. Many locations also offer hot nutritious lunch. All About You Home Healthcare clients in the Mid-South please review the Senior Centers listed below.
Goodwill Homes Senior Center:
Address: 163 W. Raines Rd. Memphis, TN 38109
Contact Information: 901-789-8355 (office); 901-789-8359 (fax)
Website: www.goodwillhomesinc.org
Oasis of Hope: Bickford Community Center
Address: 233 Henry Avenue, Memphis, TN 38107
Contact Information: 901-527-8752 (office); 901-754-7605 (fax)
Website: www.oasis-of-hope.com
Frayser-Raleigh Senior Center
Address: 3985 Egypt Central, Memphis, TN 38128
Contact Information: 901-383-9101
Website: Frayser-Raleigh Senior Center
J.K Lewis Senior Center
Address: 1188 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38105
Contact Information: 901-636-4255
Website: J.K Lewis Senior Center
McWherter Senior Center
Address: 1355 Estate, Memphis, TN 38119
Contact Information: 901-761-2462
Website: McWherter Senior Center
Orange Mound Community Service Center
Address: 2590 Park, Memphis, TN 38114
Contact Information: 901-636-6622
Website: Energizers Blog and Community Center Blog
Any Age, Any Time, Anywhere… We Care. Allow one of our passionate caregivers to assist you in exploring the activities at one of the locations near you.![]()
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